Saturday, August 6, 2011

Math Frustrations: message in a bottle

What is math and Why is it so hard... FOR ME?
Mathematics is a body of knowledge that concerns numbers and its operations. Its fundamental operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and addition. Numbers have contributed a lot in the system and structure since time immemorial, from pre-philosophical times to the Greek philosophers until now down to forever.

From simple ones to complicated and complex things, a number is at all times present; it’s as if it has no time for a holiday. Its existence is not just a numerical value but it has to be connected with arithmetical, geometrical, algebraic, statistical factors. These factors make up Mathematics, the root of my frustrations.

I often force myself to understand those numbers-with-the-x-and-the-y-'andallthoseoutoftheearth' stuffs but I'm sooo dumb to understand. Seriously! Perhaps that is the best I can do yet the worst thing I possess.

Well, I actually have gotten over with my math frustrations. Fortunately, I passed all my Math courses. Thank God we are only required to take two.

This time, I am focusing on things that I do best. Setting my goals. Realigning my priorities.

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